51 years…..25 years


Today I turned 51….and I have to say, so far so good.  I love being in my 50’s.  I have my AARP and my AAA.  I have a cardiologist, a rheumatologist, a family practice doctor, a gynecologist and probably need a dermatologist, an endocrinologist and a few more ologists i can’t afford.

I feel like I’m still in my 20-30’s and still love going and doing ….I just do them a little slower and with a few snaps, crackles, and pops like Rice Krispies.  I have a job and own a home, have 3 dogs that are like my kids and a boyfriend who is 28 years younger than myself.

I have a van and I have bills.  I have a life….boring as it may seem to others, I enjoy myself and my quiet little hobbies, such as writing on this blog, reading and playing cards or putting together puzzles.

And though I celebrate my birth and relish the fact that I have accomplished what I have and dream and wish for the future, I also take time to think of my dad.  On my 26th birthday, my father, my dad, my daddy passed onto his eternity.

And today marks his 25th birthday into Heaven.  I know he is up there taking care of things with my nephew and uncles, aunts, and grandparents.  I’m sure he looks down and smiles as we, His Girls, grow up and raise kids, work, and think of him….and I’m .  sure he frowns when we are sad or when we do things he wouldn’t approve of.

I miss him much…as the oldest he taught me all sorts of things that a father would normally teach a son.  I cherish those times and wonder ‘what if’ he hadn’t left so soon–what would I be learning from him now.

So Dad….know you are missed and loved.  And next year…we’ll see where I am and see what changes have come around.


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